Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mama told me there'd be days like these,strange days indeed

When I began this journey I thought things would get easier as I went along.Some things are, like getting use to the appearances,ie:dressing en femme,being out in the public eye,etc.But the inwardly things are getting harder.I find that when I wake up in the morning,my head is clear,my motives sound,but as the day progresses,my perspectives get clouded,confused,lost.And by the end of the day,I am perplexxed.All I want to do is go to sleep so I can wake up feeling refreshed again,as short lived as it goes.I guess its the hormones that are changing me internally,mentally,intellectually and spiritually.One minute I'm as happy as can be ,the next minute weepy and sappy,emotional,another minute mad and getting madder,then weepy and emotional,around and around and around.But I do find that putting these thoughts on to paper or virtual paper helps.Like therapy.For now,I guess I can expect alot more days like this one,trials and tribulations.Heartache and happiness.Tears and laughter.It feels good to let the tears flow.I don't want to give the impression of being weak,but it just feels so good to let it all out.My friends tell me that I am anything but weak.Its easy to forget the road that got me to where I am now.I know I can climb mountains,its just that some days it feels like I'm under the mountain and its crushing me.Its just one foot in front of the other,one day at a time.The Inward Odyssey Continues.........